Thursday, November 8, 2012

Music to My Ears & So On and So Forth

Music To My Ears & So On and So Forth


Hey Bloggers!! I thought I would do a quick update for you all while I have a spare minute!
Lately I have been working a lot among other things, From Halloween onwards it always seems like the busiest time of year for me and with Holidays and being social comes eating and drinking alot - I must admit I have still been eating really well lately in preparation for the Holidays so I can sit back and relax as I prefer a more 80 - 20 approach to my diet and lifestyle.
I am trying to change my diet up and have cut out all processed and high GI sugars, After the first four days the head aches seemed to have left me alone and I am now notices some changes in my body. 
Who of you is cutting the sugar with me? I would love to hear your journey so far also! 

My favorite part of the day is when I get some 'me' time at the gym. 
Here is what is currently on my playlist - This band is a sure gem! 

Also I am now on Pinterest!! Follow me :)

I'm sorry for the short post but I will drop in again in a day or so!! 

Much Love, 

-Jacqueline xx

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