Friday, March 15, 2013

Fitness Frenzy

Good afternoon bloggers! 

Today I wanted to share with you my work out regime and how I like to keep myself fit. If you read my previous post I mentioned there that I am some what of a health nut and enjoy keeping fit and nourishing my body. I also mentioned that I have previously been over weight, I am not at my goal weight however am in the process of working towards my goal for Europe later this year. I have been having some really great results lately so I was wanting to share with you all what is working for me and what I enjoy. 

My work out schedule generally varies week to week especially now that uni is back I am really time limited and my work load tends to change. I aim to get three to four work outs in a week therefore really need to make them count. Two days I do weights and isolate muscle groups so I do legs one day and upper body the next, I always ensure I do a 20 minute walk after each weights session which ensures your metabolism is going to work at a higher rate meaning you will be burning calories for a lot longer! If your goal is weight loss this is what you want. 

While I am trying to slim down this is the only weights I will do each week. My other sessions throughout the week are cardio based classes and strengthening. My  favorite class of all time is RPM! I managed to fit in this class twice this week and today did a double class of RPM and Pilates for some core strengthening. 

 A lot of people are afraid of RPM because it is an intense class, but I can't think of anything better for you! Spinning is a whole body work out if you have your bike set up correctly. YES your butt will hurt after the first few classes but girls, honestly you get used to it and well like they say nothing worth having comes easily. Once that music gets pumping, I focus and the rest of the world falls away I am in my zone and I wouldn't rather be anywhere else but working on my fitness and taking care of my body! 

 When focusing on your fitness and loosing weight your diet is your holy grail. I try and eat as organic and fresh as possible and cut out all sugars, wheat and dairy. I do take supplements to keep my body healthy and push for results. Let me know if you would like a separate post on supplements that I take that don't make you bulky like a body builder but instead are used for leaning down, toning and taking care of yourself. 

I hope everyone has a happy and healthy weekend and I will endeavor to post more photos of my results so that you can share my health and fitness journey with me. 

- Jacqueline xx 


  1. I need some of that work out routine instilled in me. ;) happy monday! xoxo

    1. I hope this post helped motivate you! Also checked out your blog and now following.

      - jacqueline xx

  2. Good luck with everything - sounds like you are going about it the smart and healthy way!

    It definitely is hard being at uni and working AND finding time to work out. I didn't go the gym once last month (oops!) but daily walks are hopefully somewhat helpful!

    1. Thanks, walking is great for your body! Especially if you go first thing in the morning before your brekky, that is when you are in your fat burning zone and is actually better for weightloss to walk at this time of the day then run! Crazy hey xx
